• Office: Suncrest, Bird Rock, Basseterre
  • +1 (869) 669 - 5065
  • May 28, 2024
  • St Kitts and Nevis
  • By sknra

Public Outreach Programme

$ 35,055.35 Needed Donation

POP Overview:

The Public Outreach Programme (POP) is a strategic initiative aimed at creating widespread awareness and fostering public engagement in robotics education within St Kitts and Nevis. It serves as a comprehensive platform to disseminate information, educate the public, and garner support for the importance of robotics in the education System.

1.1.           Objectives:

  1. Dissemination of Information: To provide accurate and accessible information about the benefits and significance of robotics education.
  2. Educational Outreach: To conduct workshops and seminars that enhance public understanding of robotics and its impact on STEAM education.
  3. Community Engagement: To actively engage with communities through outreach materials, campaigns, and media coverage.
  4. Advocacy for Robotics Education: To garner public support and understanding, advocating for the integration and promotion of robotics in educational institutions.

1.2.           Benefits:

  1. Increased Awareness: Raise awareness about the role of robotics in education and its broader impact on skill development.
  2. Community Involvement: Foster community involvement and support for robotics initiatives.
  3. Informed Stakeholders: Ensure that stakeholders, including parents and community leaders, are well-informed about the benefits of robotics education.
  4. Promote STEAM Interest: Encourage interest and participation in STEAM fields from an early age.