• Office: Suncrest, Bird Rock, Basseterre
  • +1 (869) 669 - 5065

Welcome to the Competency-Based Capstone Project Symposium

About Us:

The Competency-Based Capstone Project Symposium is an esteemed event designed to showcase the innovative projects and skills of students who have completed their competency-based capstone projects. This symposium provides a platform for students to present their work, demonstrate their abilities, and engage with peers, educators, and industry professionals.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to highlight the achievements of students who have demonstrated mastery in their fields through competency-based education. We aim to foster a culture of excellence and innovation, encouraging students to apply their knowledge and skills to real-world challenges.

Event Overview:

The Competency-Based Capstone Project Symposium is an annual event that features presentations and demonstrations of capstone projects from a variety of disciplines. Students will have the opportunity to share their work with a diverse audience, receive feedback from experts, and network with industry professionals.

Who Can Participate:

The symposium is open to students who have completed a competency-based capstone project as part of their academic program. We welcome participants from all disciplines, including science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), humanities, arts, and social sciences.


  • Showcase Skills: Participants have the opportunity to demonstrate their competencies and project outcomes to a wide audience.
  • Professional Feedback: Students receive valuable feedback from educators, industry professionals, and peers.
  • Networking Opportunities: The symposium provides a platform for students to network with industry leaders and potential employers.
  • Recognition: Participants gain recognition for their hard work and achievements, enhancing their academic and professional profiles.

Get Involved:

Educators, industry professionals, and community members can support the Competency-Based Capstone Project Symposium by attending the event, providing feedback, or sponsoring student projects. Your involvement helps us celebrate student success and promote a culture of innovation and excellence.

Contact Us:

Interested in learning more about the Competency-Based Capstone Project Symposium or how to participate? Please contact us at [email address] or visit our [website link] for more information.

Join us in celebrating student achievement and fostering innovation at the Competency-Based Capstone Project Symposium!