• Office: Suncrest, Bird Rock, Basseterre
  • +1 (869) 669 - 5065

RoboMindset: Empowering the Future of St. Kitts and Nevis

Last summer, the St. Kitts and Nevis Robotics Association (SKNRA) launched its first-ever robotics summer camp, aptly named “RoboMindset.” This groundbreaking initiative attracted over 200 enthusiastic youths, aged 13 to 18, from across the islands, marking a significant milestone in our journey to foster innovation and technological literacy among our young people.

A Vision Realized

The idea behind RoboMindset was born from a desire to provide young minds with the tools and knowledge to thrive in a rapidly advancing technological world. Our mission was clear: to inspire, educate, and empower the next generation of innovators and leaders through hands-on learning experiences in robotics and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).

Unprecedented Participation

The response to RoboMindset was overwhelming. Over 200 youths, aged 13 to 18, gathered to participate in the camp, demonstrating a remarkable eagerness to learn and explore. This high level of participation exceeded our expectations and underscored the growing interest in STEM education within our community.

Hands-On Learning and Innovation

Throughout the camp, participants were immersed in a variety of engaging activities designed to spark their creativity and problem-solving skills. They learned the fundamentals of robotics, coding, and engineering through interactive workshops and collaborative projects. Guided by experienced mentors, the students worked in teams to build and program their own robots, culminating in an exciting final competition where their creations were put to the test.

Inspiring Future Leaders

One of the most rewarding aspects of RoboMindset was witnessing the transformation of our participants. Many entered the camp with little to no prior experience in robotics or programming. By the end of the camp, these same youths were confidently demonstrating their robots, explaining the mechanics and coding behind their designs, and expressing a newfound passion for technology.

One participant, 14-year-old Maya, shared her experience: “Before RoboMindset, I didn’t know much about robots or how they worked. But now, I’ve built my own robot and learned how to program it. This camp has shown me that I can do anything I set my mind to. I can’t wait to keep learning and maybe even pursue a career in robotics one day.”

Community Support and Collaboration

The success of RoboMindset was made possible through the support and collaboration of numerous individuals and organizations. Local businesses, educational institutions, and community leaders came together to provide resources, sponsorships, and volunteer support. This collective effort not only enriched the camp experience but also highlighted the community’s commitment to investing in the future of our youth.

Looking Ahead

Encouraged by the success of our first robotics summer camp, SKNRA is already planning next year’s RoboMindset. We aim to expand the program, offering more advanced workshops and opportunities for even more youths to participate. Our goal is to continue building a robust pipeline of skilled and inspired young individuals who will drive technological innovation in St. Kitts and Nevis and beyond.

Join Us in Making a Difference

We invite you to join us in our mission to empower the next generation. Whether through sponsorship, volunteering, or spreading the word, your support can help us continue to provide these invaluable learning experiences. Together, we can inspire more young minds to dream big, explore new possibilities, and create a brighter future for all.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. Let’s continue to nurture the seeds of innovation and watch them grow.



#RoboMindset #SKNRA #FutureInnovators #STEMEducation #EmpoweringYouth
