• Office: Suncrest, Bird Rock, Basseterre
  • +1 (869) 669 - 5065

Project: Humanoid Research and Development

$ 18,000.00 Needed Donation

Project Description

The Humanoid Research and Development project focuses on the exploration and creation of advanced humanoid robots that mimic human-like characteristics and behaviors. This initiative aims to push the boundaries of robotics technology by developing robots capable of interacting with humans in various environments, such as homes, workplaces, and healthcare facilities. Through collaboration with students, educators, and industry professionals, this project fosters the development of cutting-edge humanoid robots and provides hands-on experience in robotics research and development.


  • Develop humanoid robots with human-like capabilities for interaction and assistance.
  • Provide hands-on research and development opportunities for students and young professionals.
  • Foster interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation in humanoid robotics.
  • Enhance human-robot interaction and explore applications in various fields, including healthcare, education, and service industries.

Key Activities

  • Conduct research to identify challenges and opportunities in humanoid robotics.
  • Design, build, and test humanoid robot prototypes with advanced functionalities.
  • Collaborate with experts in human-robot interaction, artificial intelligence, and robotics engineering to advance humanoid capabilities.
  • Explore applications of humanoid robots in real-world settings through pilot studies and demonstrations.


This project aims to revolutionize the way humans interact with robots and integrate humanoid robots into everyday life. By developing advanced humanoid technologies, we seek to improve human-robot collaboration, enhance productivity, and address societal challenges. Participants will gain valuable experience in robotics research and development, preparing them for future careers in technology, engineering, and human-robot interaction.