• Office: Suncrest, Bird Rock, Basseterre
  • +1 (869) 669 - 5065

Public Outreach Programme: Giving Back to the Community

Giving Back to the Community

Welcome to the Public Outreach Programme

About Us:

The Public Outreach Programme is dedicated to engaging and educating our community about the importance of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Through various events, workshops, and activities, we aim to inspire curiosity, foster a love for learning, and promote awareness of technological advancements and their impact on society.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to give back to the community by making STEM education accessible, understandable, and exciting for everyone. We strive to encourage lifelong learning, empower individuals with knowledge, and stimulate interest in STEM careers, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to benefit from technological advancements.

Programme Overview:

The Public Outreach Programme offers a wide range of activities designed to engage people of all ages and backgrounds. These include interactive workshops, public lectures, science fairs, hands-on demonstrations, and community events. Our programme is designed to make STEM learning fun, relevant, and beneficial to everyday life.

Who Can Participate:

Our programme is open to everyone, from children and students to adults and seniors. Whether you are a curious individual, a family looking for educational activities, or a professional seeking to expand your knowledge, there is something for you in our Public Outreach Programme.


  • Engaging Activities: Participate in interactive and hands-on STEM activities that make learning fun and memorable.
  • Community Building: Connect with like-minded individuals and build a community passionate about science and technology.
  • Knowledge Expansion: Gain a deeper understanding of STEM fields and their impact on society.
  • Career Inspiration: Explore potential career paths in STEM through exposure to various disciplines and professionals.
  • Community Support: Benefit from resources and opportunities provided by the programme, enhancing personal and professional growth.

Get Involved:

We welcome the support and participation of educators, professionals, volunteers, and community members. Your involvement can make a significant impact by helping us deliver high-quality educational experiences and inspiring the next generation of scientists, engineers, and innovators.

Contact Us:

Interested in learning more about the Public Outreach Programme or how to get involved? Please contact us at info@sknra.org for more information.

Join us in giving back to the community and promoting STEM education through the Public Outreach Programme!