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Saint Kitts and Nevis Robotics Association Unveils 17 New Policies, Including Comprehensive Artificial Intelligence Policy


Saint Kitts and Nevis Robotics Association Unveils 17 New Policies, Including Comprehensive Artificial Intelligence Policy

Basseterre, Saint Kitts and Nevis, June 14, 2024 – The Saint Kitts and Nevis Robotics Association (SKNRA) is proud to announce the publication of 17 new policies aimed at enhancing the governance and operational efficiency of the organization. Among these new policies is a groundbreaking Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policy, designed to set a benchmark for the responsible development, deployment, and use of AI technologies within the association.

Key Highlights of the AI Policy:

The Artificial Intelligence Policy of SKNRA is a significant step towards ensuring that AI technologies are leveraged ethically and responsibly. The policy outlines comprehensive guidelines and principles focused on:

  1. Ethical Development and Use: Emphasizing the importance of ethical considerations in the creation and application of AI systems to prevent harm and promote fairness.
  2. Transparency: Ensuring that AI processes and decisions are transparent and understandable to stakeholders, fostering trust and accountability.
  3. Accountability: Establishing clear accountability measures for the deployment and outcomes of AI technologies, ensuring that those responsible for AI systems are held accountable for their actions and decisions.
  4. Societal Impact: Evaluating the broader societal impacts of AI applications, including potential effects on employment, social dynamics, and equity.
  5. Privacy and Security: Prioritizing the protection of personal data and ensuring robust security measures are in place to safeguard against misuse and breaches.

Statement from the Chairman and Founder of SKNRA:

“The introduction of these 17 new policies, particularly the AI Policy, marks a pivotal moment for the Saint Kitts and Nevis Robotics Association,” said Dr. Ricardo R. Neil, Chairman and Founder of SKNRA. “Our commitment to ethical AI development and use reflects our dedication to leading by example in the field of robotics and AI. We believe that these policies will not only guide our organization but also inspire others in the region to adopt similar principles.”

About SKNRA:

The Saint Kitts and Nevis Robotics Association is a leading organization dedicated to advancing the fields of robotics and AI through education, innovation, and community engagement. SKNRA aims to foster a vibrant and inclusive robotics community in Saint Kitts and Nevis, promoting STEM education and supporting local talent.

For more information about the new policies and to read the full AI Policy, please visit SKNRA’s ICT Policies.


Ms. Patrina Perreira
Public Relations Director
Saint Kitts and Nevis Robotics Association
Email: info@sknra.org
Website: www.sknra.org

This press release is intended to inform stakeholders, members, and the general public about the significant advancements SKNRA is making in policy development, particularly in the realm of AI, underscoring the association’s commitment to responsible innovation.


Artificial Intelligence, AI Policy, Robotics, STEM Education, Ethical AI, Transparency, Accountability, Privacy, Security, Saint Kitts and Nevis, SKNRA, Robotics Association, Innovation, Technology, Societal Impact, Dr. Ricardo R. Neil, ICT Policies, Public Relations, Patrina Perreira

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